Scofield Reference Bible, Second Edition

Collection ID
Bible - Printed Book
United States
Printed on Paper
6.1 × 8.5 × 1.4 in. (15.4 × 21.7 × 3.5 cm)
Exhibit Location
On View in The History of the Bible, Bibles for Everyone

The Scofield Reference Bible is one of the most influential Bibles of the twentieth century. It was originally published in 1909 by Oxford University Press, with a second edition published in 1917. Cyrus Scofield, the Bible’s editor, was a relatively well-known American minister and Bible-study author at the turn of the century. He was an especially important voice behind the spread of dispensationalism in America, a theology that popularized ideas such as the “rapture.” His popular reference Bible contained copious notes and cross references that introduced this theology to millions and would become known by some as the “Bible of fundamentalism.” This copy is a rare second edition.

Printed in 1917 by Oxford University Press, New York. Acquired by 1955 by Thomas Todhunter Shields, Toronto, Canada.[1] Acquired in the 2000s by Gene Albert (Christian Heritage Museum), Hagerstown, Maryland; Privately purchased in 2010 by Green Collection, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Donated in 2022 to The Signatry, under the curatorial care of Museum of the Bible, Washington, DC.

Notes: [1] Thomas T. Shields was a prominent fundamentalist minister in Toronto. In addition to serving as the long-time pastor of the Jarvis Street Baptist Church, he also founded the Toronto Baptist Seminary. His signature and library stamp are present on the front free endpaper.

Selected References

R. Todd Mangum and Mark S. Sweetnam, The Scofield Bible: Its History and Impact on the Evangelical Church (Colorado Springs: Paternoster Publishing, 2009).

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