A Closer Look

Explore items in the Elisabeth Elliot Collection.
Explore these Bibles demonstrating the translation of the Bible into languages around the world.
Delve into the bright and colorful world of illuminated manuscripts.

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Join our curators in exploring some of their research into the Museum Collections.

Codex Climaci Rescriptus

Monks at the monastery of St. Catherine produced this palimpsest manuscript in the ninth or tenth century.

Afghanistan Liturgical Quire

The Afghan Liturgical Quire (ALQ) is the earliest book of Jewish prayers, and the earliest Haggadah ever discovered.

More From The Collections

Gospels of Matthew and John with Canon Tables

ca. 1040
Armenia or Turkey


United States

Easter Morning

New York, New York (United States)

The Museum Collections allow Museum of the Bible to convey the global impact and fascinating history of the Bible through biblical artifacts, manuscripts, printed Bibles and books, and art from a range of cultures and time periods.

Learn more about provenance research at Museum of the Bible.

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