Collection ID
Bible - Printed Book
1977, 1982, and 1990
Marsa (Malta)
Printed on Paper
Approximately 9 × 6.5 × 1.9 in. (23 × 16.5 × 5 cm)
Exhibit Location
Not on View

First edition of the Maltese Bible published by the Society of Christian Doctrine, also known as M.U.S.E.U.M, an acronym for magister utinam sequatur evangelium mundus (Teacher, may the whole world follow the Gospel). The society was founded in 1907 by the Maltese priest Saint George Preca. This Bible was translated into Maltese by Reverend Professor Pietru Pawl Saydon (1895–1971). Saydon’s translation took 30 years to complete since he worked alone. The New Testament was published in 1977, the Old Testament, volume 1, was published in 1982, and the Old Testament, volume 2, was published in 1990.

Published between 1977 and 1990 by Societas Doctrinæ Christianæ (M.U.S.E.U.M.), Marsa, Malta; Donated in 2020 to Museum of the Bible, Washington, DC.[1]

Notes: [1] Donated on behalf of Society of Christian Doctrine, also known as M.U.S.E.U.M, by His Excellency Keith Azzopardi, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Republic of Malta to the United States of America, Washington, DC.

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