A History of Translation

Bible - Printed Book

The Isaac Collins Bible

Bible - Printed Book

Jugge’s New Testament, Second Quarto Edition


Gutenberg Bible Leaf, 4 Esdras 8–9


Gutenberg Bible Leaf, Isaiah 43:7–45:6

Bible - Printed Book

Bible of the Bear (La Biblia, que es, los Sacros Libros del Vieio y Nueuo Testamento)

Bible - Printed Book

King James Bible


Hattem Vulgate

Bible - Printed Book

Coverdale Bible

Bible - Printed Book

Erasmus’s New Testament in Greek, Fifth Edition

Bible - Printed Book

Erasmus’s New Testament in Greek and Latin, Second Edition

Bible - Printed Book

The Matthew Bible

Bible - Printed Book

1551 English Bible

Bible - Printed Book

Tyndale's New Testament

Bible - Printed Book

Fragment of Tyndale’s English New Testament

Bible - Printed Book

Erasmus’s New Testament in Greek and Latin, Second Edition

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