Johannis Buxtorfi Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum : complectens omnes voces tam primas quàm derivatas, quae in sacris Bibliis, Hebraeâ, & ex parte Caldaeá linguâ scriptis extant. Interpretationis fide, exemplorum biblicorum copiâ, locorum plurimorum difficilium ex variis Hebraeorum commentariis explicatione, auctum & illustratum. Accessit lexicon breve rabbinico-philosophicum, communiora vocabula continens, quaein commentariis passim occurrunt. Cum justo indice vocum Latino

By: Johannes Buxtorf

Collection ID



Printed Book




Basel (Switzerland)


Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic


Printed on Paper


7 × 4.5 × 2 in. (17.9 × 11.5 × 5 cm)

Exhibit Location

Not on View

Johannes Buxtorf (1564–1629) was a celebrated Christian Hebraist and professor of Hebrew for 39 years at Basel. He was known to his colleagues by the title, “Master of the Rabbis.” Though he worked with Jews, his attitude toward Judaism was a mixture of curiosity and condescension. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum is the third and final of Buxtorf’s Hebrew and Aramaic lexical works, the culmination of his dictionary project.

Printed in 1646 by Ludwig König, Basel, Switzerland. Acquired in 1701 by Samuel Sewell, Cambridge, Massachusetts.[1] Acquired by American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts.[2] Acquired by Ted Steinbock, private collector, Louisville, Kentucky; Privately purchased in 2020 by Museum of the Bible, Washington, DC.

Notes: [1] Signature and August 12, 1701, inscribed on folio 2r [2] Ownership stamps throughout and “Sold by AAS” stamp on front pastedown.

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