The Descent of Man

By: Charles Darwin

Collection ID
Printed Book
United States
Printed on Paper
7.9 × 5.4 × 1.1 in. (20 × 13.8 × 2.7 cm)
Exhibit Location
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Although Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species introduced his theory of evolution to the world, it did not extend this theory to the evolution of humans. Darwin saved this task for The Descent of Man, which appeared 12 years later in 1871. Nevertheless, Darwin’s theories about human evolution were clearly telegraphed in his earlier work—and made explicit by other writers in the intervening years—so The Descent of Man was far from unexpected. The text addressed not only the physical trajectory of evolution but also the development of intellect and morality in humankind. This is the first American edition, printed in the same year as the first English edition.

Printed in 1871 by D. Appleton and Company, New York, New York. Acquired by David Cox.[1] Purchased in 2017 by Ted Steinbock, private collector, Louisville, Kentucky; Privately purchased in 2020 by Museum of the Bible, Washington, DC.

Notes: [1] The bookplate of David Cox appears on the front pastedown of both volumes. It has not been possible to identify this individual.

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